The Pros and Pros of Workplace Wellness Plans

There are really no cons when we are considering Workplace Wellness Plans. There is something special that is created when ‘I’ becomes ‘we.’ Companies that foster their employee’s wellness can creatively encourage healthy competition among their staff and not only see better health in their workforce but create a workplace where people work together. At Rightline Equipment in Rainier, Oregon they often have wellness contests, like weight loss contests. This encourages employees to eat healthier and work together to implement healthy habits among themselves and while they do this they support each other to reach their personal goals. This not only leads people to change their lifestyle but they get sick less often and miss less work time. (more…)

Learning About FODMAPs Foods

FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides and Polyols. All these scientific terms are used to describe groups of fermentable carbohydrates that commonly trigger bloating, gas and stomach pain in people with sensitivities.

The main dietary sources of the four groups of FODMAPs include:

  • Oligosaccharides: Wheat, rye, legumes and various fruits and vegetables, such as garlic and onions.
  • Disaccharides: Milk, yogurt and soft cheese. Lactose is the main carbohydrate.
  • Monosaccharides: Various fruit including figs and mangos, and sweeteners such as honey and agave nectar. Fructose is the main carb.
  • Polyols: Certain fruits and vegetables including blackberries and lychee, as well as some low-calorie sweeteners like those found in sugar-free gum.


Learning About Cannabis for Pain

Cannabis can be a very powerful tool in use as a pain reliever for those suffering with chronic pain and illness. Cannabis works alongside our nervous system to block certain pain receptors. This is key to living a good life with chronic pain. It may not be the way for everyone, but it was a game changer for me.

What is our Nervous System?

Our nervous system is a complex collection of nerves and specialized cells known as neurons. These neurons send signals between different parts of our body, telling them what to do. Our nervous system is like our body’s electrical wiring. (more…)

Learning About Talcum Powder

What is Talcum Powder

Talcum Powder is made from talc. Talc is a mineral that contains magnesium, silicon and oxygen. In its natural state, some talc also contains asbestos. Talc that has been purified from asbestos is generally what is used in consumer products.

The reason talcum powder is used is that it absorbs moisture well and helps cut down on friction so it is good for helping to keep skin dry and prevent rashes; which is why it is often found in baby powder and adult body and facial powders. (more…)

Love Your Guts

It is an act of love to choose wellness. Wellness is a series of positive, life supporting decisions we make, or don’t make everyday, all day long. Being well takes proper nutrition, exercise, a good attitude and the practice of hobbies and activities that bring us satisfaction and joy. Sometimes our path to wellness requires a wellness facilitator; sometimes it includes medication and counseling. Many of us have a road in front of us that includes chronic illness which produces its own challenges. A main component of our health is our immune system, sometimes referred to as our second brain or our digestive system. No matter what you need to Love Your Guts! (more…)

Trauma Informed Care

In July we got a call from Living Ministries. They had learned about an opportunity for education and thought that me might be willing to video tape the seminar so all of their committee members would have a chance to view it. Of course we were glad to show up and we even handled the bad lighting and sound with more attention than we usually do. This is one of those projects that we finished a long time ago and just didn’t get around to the marketing…what is it they say about the plumber’s house? LOL!

Cowlitz Wahkiakum Council of Governments arranged for Janis Cleaveland, RN, Director of Nursing; Cascadia, BHCC to join us at Lower Columbia CAP along with service providers who came from Washington and Oregon to learn about Trauma Informed Care.

Janis touched on ACEs or Adverse Childhood Experiences to explain that the more traumatic experiences we had during childhood the better the chance that trauma can leave an indelible print on you.

This seminar played on KLTV in July on both the educational channel and channel 11. If you missed it, feel free to ask them to play it again. If you would like to read the seminar notes or view the seminar in 10-15 min increments please go to