7 Books for December 2023

7 Books for December 2023

We have reached the end of 2023 and it seems a good time reflect on my reading goals and what I learned while reading 7 children’s books each month. Children’s books are special. I learned that old children’s books are often nostalgic and teach classic ideas, where...

The Icon

The Icon

I breathe in because I am human I say your name because you are human too I have lived the life of a performer The lights the bystanders the costumes and makeup They cost too much I don't keep my secrets anymore They are too heavy I want my yes to be yes and my no to...

Letting Things Go

Letting Things Go

I have been purging and letting things go that I don’t want to take care of anymore. After the loss of the second storage unit Karen and I have had together, I have learned that letting things go is a good thing. Some things we lost were valuable, even priceless...

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