Knowing is a Process
This article is based on my opinion as well as information I gained through web series I took part in in July of 2020 called LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency Workshop. This workshop was sponsored by Lambert House, Healing Bridge, PFLAG, PFLAG SW WA, Connect BG and...
Is Your Finger on the Trigger?
If you are living with a chronic physical or mental illness you understand the word: Trigger. It is important because once you know your triggers you can better protect yourself from episodes or flares. My main triggers are: angry people, fighting voices and being...
Soup for Dinner Can Be Easy
The other day I was really not feeling well. That is normal when you live with chronic illness, but that day it was worse. I felt like I was floating through the day in slow motion. It would have been a perfect reason to decide to pick up a cheep dinner. Karen always...
This Old Sweater
I am so angry and sad right now. I am thankful too. Chronic Illness is a bitch. She is ruthless and steals good things from people. I am angry because too many people don't have enough options. I am sad because people I love are losing things that are important to...
A Letter to a Younger Me – AKA 16 Things I Know…
Dear Younger Me (and anyone who wants to read this), I am writing this letter to you as a celebration. As I round the bend toward be alive 45 years, I realize how far I have come. I never thought I would live beyond 32 years old; I am not sure where I got that idea...
What is Mindfulness?
We hear the word mindful so often, it is almost a constant reminder, but what is Mindfulness? Being mindful is a verb that describes a practice of paying attention to what is happening now. Being mindful is something that is naturally part of ourselves, whether we...
The Foundation of Your Will
I have blood on my hands it covers my palms warm and thick It runs between my fingers like liquid silk The shock of it is curious and I feel drunk There is a voice singing that is like mine I am mellow and expectant Raising my arms to reach for more the scars I have...
Product Review: Lorissa’s Herb Roasted Turkey Cuts
Hi Everyone! I wanted to share with you are product I found while Karen and I were waiting in line at Walmart. I try hard to not notice all the odds and ends and treats while we are waiting, but I was hungry and I was eye-balling the end-cap with the jerky on it and...
Product Review: Shanti Bar Nut Butter Chocolate Chip
The other day I tried a Shanti Bar. I am not a fan of meal replacement bars, in general. Most of them taste like cardboard and many of them have soy in them, which makes them taste like chalk, but it also makes me sick. Some of them have tons of sugar in them too. I...
Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils®
Since 2011 I have been using Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils® alongside traditional Western Medicine to maintain a healthy body, elevate my mood & clear my thoughts. I believe that some people require medications to be well, but for minor &...