This Is My Hard Time of Year
I know a lot of people that have a certain time of year that is more of a struggle for them than others and this is my hard time of the year; October to February were the months that my custodial parent struggled and so that is the time that my hardest memories live...

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: But, Why Did You Stay? Why Don’t You Just Leave Him?
This article was originally published on October 20, 2022 on WellnessWorksNW.com. In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Karen G Clemenson asked me to write something regarding the topic. Domestic Violence is a hard topic and I didn’t take it lightly, but I...

God, Meds and Self-Care
There are three things I have to be attune to every day to be balanced: God, meds and self-care. Beyond these three things, my activities can vary within a given day, but I have to give a nod to these three things to remain in my best self. I think if I didn’t have...

Sometimes You Just Feel Thankful! A Cancer Update
I feel so thankful today! I just got off my video appointment with my oncologist just a few minutes ago and got really good news. Sometimes you just feel thankful and this is one of those times for me. This appointment was supposed to be a pre-op appointment for my...

Are You a TERF?
Recently I had the pleasure of having a conversation with a new friend on Messenger that helped me grow a new wrinkle on my brain, the one place I want as many wrinkles as possible. Her name isn’t really Susan, but I wasn’t sure she wanted me to share her real name so...

Book Review: Crazy Joy Finding Wild Happiness in a World That’s Upside Down by Mary Katherine Backstrom
On my last visit to see my sister, Jamie Holloway, she handed me a bag full of books to read. I accepted the challenge, knowing I would pass on these books to new readers when I was done. What a fun contest. One of the books in the bag was bright colored and promised...

I Don’t Accept
Years ago I was trying to be part of a group of people, learning to use their prophetic gifts. I was very uncomfortable because I didn’t feel like I fit in but I wanted to learn from them so I kept going. As they took turns prophesying over each other, I wondered why...

What Are Gap People?
I told someone today I was a Gap Person. I wasn’t talking about someone that shops at The Gap; I don’t do that. “Believe it or not, homelessness is incredibly expensive to a community. The most cost-effective way for the community to respond to homelessness is to...

Whether or Not I Have an Abortion is None of Your Business
My heart is heavy today. I try to avoid the TV and succeed during the day when my wife, Karen G Clemenson, is at work but at night she likes to watch her shows. Being campaign season, every commercial break bombards viewers with ads about abortion on both sides. I am...

Book Review: I Will Not Fear My Story of a Lifetime of Building Faith Under Fire by Melba Pattillo Beals
I recently had the opportunity to read I Will Not Fear My Story of a Lifetime of Building Faith Under Fire by Melba Pattillo Beals and I was so touched by her story. Every moment, it seemed, of this woman’s life was a tribute to faith and strength and it spoke to my...