Invisible Illness Awareness
Every day I wake up is a good day. Today I am exhausted. Jamie Holloway has been posting on Wellness Works NW about Invisible Illness Awareness. I live with invisible illness and if I didn’t have my cane you might not think I was sick. But I live with at least 10...
The Joys of Chronic Illness
Today has been an excellent day. After our walk last night a lot of pain set in...the joy of Fibromyalgia...we hadn’t picked up my prescriptions yet so sleep was hard. I doubled down on my tincture and that helped. I woke up in pain so I started slow. I got my workout...
Cancer Made Me Choose Me
Today has been a great day! I got my workout in and gave myself a pedicure. I have had several moments with Karen and cuddled with Xavier. I can also sign off on the June financial documents...I worked on July and August a bit too...I have listened to great
Cancer is Just Another Diagnosis
I have decided that cancer is just a diagnosis, much like all the other ones I have lived through. In fact I took having arthritis much harder because it is chronic and debilitating. I am going to live through this and become stronger...and if I don't I will go live...
Love Hurts…Until You Realize A Different Definition
I am not shocked that it takes a diagnosis that can kill me that my siblings would finally reach out to me after so many years. I was given siblings that require more forgiving than I have time for. When they needed me, I gave my time, money and love but it was never...
I Have Cancer
I made two phone calls today. I had shared the news with my two best friends in their preferred way of communication; Messenger. I had thought it many times, cried about it too but those phone calls where I said the words brought me to hysterical tears. It doesn’t...
Book Review: The Soul of the Indian
I read this book yesterday. It only has 64 pages so I drank two cups of green tea with honey, from my friend Heike, to help with my allergies and digested the words in this book. The depth of the belief in God, or the Great Mystery, as their Higher Power, is enough to...
I am I and You are You
There should be a difference between our public and personal behaviors. There are things I do at home that I would never do in public. The same with public health guidelines and personal choices. We must own our behaviors and choices and stop being defensive, while...
Here and Now
This morning, for the first time in almost 2 weeks, I had the energy to lay Karen's clothes out for work, tidy up, make coffee and Karen's lunch (including scrubbing her lunch box), check email and try to get Karen out of bed in time to grab a real breakfast before...
Learning About Hashimoto’s Disease
Hashimoto’s Disease is an autoimmune disorder where your immune system creates antibodies that damage your thyroid gland. The inflammation that is caused is called chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis and often leads to a person having an under-active thyroid gland. Often...