by Summer D Clemenson | Sep 4, 2015 | Prayers
Thank You so much that You are Lord! I need You and I am so thankful that You have always been with me and have planned for my needs.
Jesus please be with Jho while she travels to Idaho to rescue her father from the fires. Thank You that she is able to do this. Please empower her to care for her father and sister while they are staying with her. Thank You that JK is so supporting of his wife to allow her to take in her family. I ask for financial, spiritual, mental and physical blessings as they are needed. Bless this family Lord. (more…)
by Summer D Clemenson | Sep 3, 2015 | Prayers
Lord, I recognize that I died with You to my ability to defile myself as I have been taught by others or by an attitude of unfaithfulness based on lust and deceit or by anything that causes hate, disgust, sin or any idols I have set before You, on purpose or because of ignorance. As you know my sins, known or unknown to me, I ask that You show them to me so I may be forgiven. Thank You that You are always working in me to show me what I look like inside You, hidden and what You look like in me, revealed. (more…)
by Summer D Clemenson | Jul 24, 2015 | Opinions
My heart was aching before I wrote this.
Shootings, accusations, harboring un-forgiveness and hatred, gossiping; all these things bombard us in the news, in the shows we watch for entertainment, Facebook News Feeds (and all the other Social Networking sites), conversations with friends and in our minds.
by Summer D Clemenson | Jun 4, 2015 | Opinions
I am so glad that I am a child of God. Because He is my Father He is always teaching me something. Some lessons are harder than others. We have been working on forgiveness for a long time….we still are…
“And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.” Mark 11:25
by Summer D Clemenson | May 28, 2015 | Opinions, Wellness
I have decided that there is no magic pill…that was always the answer I just didn’t want to think that. I was taking 2 different meds to help me with living with anxiety disorder and the one meant to help me sleep didn’t always work. I had decided it didn’t work and planned to talk to the dr about it on my next appointment. Meanwhile I have been going to a Living Well with Chronic Illness class and have finally made peace that I must choose to live on a schedule so I can accomplish my personal goals and as I was beginning to see success…it was time to go to the appointment. (more…)
by Summer D Clemenson | Oct 8, 2014 | Book & Product Reviews, Opinions
Recently Karen and I were loaned a copy of The Isaiah 9:10 Judgement DVD by a friend, who has watched lots of times and felt that we really needed to see it. So that is what we did on our day off, actually it played twice through because Karen had fallen asleep at the end and I was inspired to pray and search the bible for a few words about themes that I saw throughout the production. The editing team that created it made sure that it looped and so, in the end it was at least listened to twice in our house.
The Isaiah 9:10 Judgement DVD was written by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn to accompany his books The Harbinger and The Harbinger Companion.
On the Publisher’s Description for The Isaiah 9:10 Judgement states:
by Summer D Clemenson | Oct 4, 2014 | Opinions
This morning I woke to sunshine streaming in the window and a song on my heart. The voice sounded like me but it was deep within me. I am used to this and I think I take it for granted sometimes.
“*Draw Me Close to You. Never let me go. I lay it all down again, to hear You say that I’m Your friend…”.
by Summer D Clemenson | Aug 22, 2014 | Opinions
1) I am thankful that I can say thank you. So many people don’t stop and say thank you. Gratitude is an amazing gift from God. When we say thank you we are blessed in so many ways. When you make a lifestyle of being thankful (which Jesus told us to do in the first place) it becomes easier and easier and even in painful, stressful, terrifying situations you can always find something to say thank you for. Doing this blesses God and amazes blesses the people around you. If you are alive, have something to eat, clothes to wear and some sort of shelter, you have four things to be thankful for. If you don’t have great shelter or are feeling blue you might even be more thankful for the beautiful weather today because being stuck outside in the rain is not nearly as fun as dancing in the sunshine. If you have someone that loves you or many people that love you, you are rich indeed! (more…)
by Summer D Clemenson | Aug 21, 2014 | Opinions
1) I am thankful that God planned be before the foundation of the earth and set me on a path He created just for me. I am thankful for my salvation and the fact that God is always working in me and blesses people through me. (more…)
by Summer D Clemenson | Aug 20, 2014 | Opinions
1) I am thankful for my printer! I have had so many issues with printers that more often than not I don’t have one and although it is nice say hi to the folks at Copies Today SpeedyLitho…it costs too much to make copies for committee meetings so I often don’t have much to hand to Karen Gidderon, Jamie Holloway, Lynn Brown, Angelique Yoder, Clarence Beerman and Jacob A Beerman and guests…BTW in case you haven’t read your emails…we have a Living Ministries meeting tonight at 6 pm at Life Works…
by Summer D Clemenson | Aug 19, 2014 | Opinions
I recently went through a huge loss. I lost a friend; or I lost the illusion that I had a friend. It has been hard to heal from this loss. After 3 years I have come to the realization that this is not a healthy relationship and although with time and prayer I will be able to forgive, I will not be reconnecting with this person. I don’t believe that we can encourage growth in each other and some actions kill any incentive to rebuild trust.
Although I have come to this decision, I have not shared it with her and yesterday morning I woke up to a text message from her that referred to me as Beloved. Just another reason that I need to let go. (more…)
by Summer D Clemenson | Aug 19, 2014 | Opinions
1) I am thankful for my marriage. I have been best friends with Karen Gidderon for 12 years in October. Since we have been married, I feel like there are parts of me that were broken that are no longer broken, parts of me that were weak that are stronger, and parts of me that I knew were missing that have been found. There is an unmeasurable greatness in knowing that I have someone beside me always that wants what I want. Both of us have blossomed by knowing that. Professionally, personally and spiritually we have seen growth. We love taking care of each other.
2) I have lost two relationships since May and although accepting the loss and the good parts of the relationship that are no longer, I am thankful that the end came. I am a dedicated person and in the past have accepted a lot of emotional abuse, control and manipulation as part of relationship. I am not called to do that. Until these two people left, I didn’t understand the turmoil and stress they were causing in my personal, professional and spiritual path. I am grateful to My God who has carried me through the loss and pain and also showed me the bigger picture. (more…)
by Summer D Clemenson | Aug 18, 2014 | Opinions
1) I am thankful to have landed. Being homeless sucks bigger than I imagined. This is not a permanent home but I am here now and I am safe and I don’t have to pack my things up in the morning and take them with me to a place I am not sure of. In the last few years I have learned to respect homeless people for their ability to survive; I now know more than I wanted to know. I am blessed because we had resources enough to stay in motels and have one good meal a day. So many don’t know what this feels like because they have forgotten and to them, I tip my hat. They are resourceful, brave and stronger than I have had to be. (more…)
by Summer D Clemenson | Aug 1, 2014 | Opinions

Making the most of it!
Since 2010, when we founded Living Ministries, there have been several times that Karen and I have looked at each other and said, I never thought I would be here. Most of these times have included us dealing with other people that were having a hard time. I now know that having empathy can never fully compare to experiencing it yourself.
I can’t say this for Karen. For a time she was living in her car. She was so positive and ambitious that no one caught on for months. She has never told me details about the experience but I have seen a look come over her eyes that tells me I don’t really want to know. Honestly, I hope this experience is not something we will share, but it is an option if our money runs out before we get into an apartment.
by Summer D Clemenson | Jul 22, 2014 | Opinions, Prayers
In my journey as a Christian I have asked God for a few things that He has been faithful to bring me to, since I had them and just didn’t know it. I have asked to be a good servant to Him, I have asked that He remove anything that wouldn’t stand the fire on judgement day, I have asked that He help me be the same person all the time and not different when I am in public, at home or in church, I have asked Him to help me love and forgive and be thankful. In all my requests, even for possessions like a home, car, clothes or any other physical thing He has been faithful. Faithful to what He made me for: to be in relationship with Him and to love others.
by Summer D Clemenson | May 17, 2014 | Opinions
Much of the bible was written to capture the attention of educated Jews that were used to having tons of laws to live by but according to Galatians 2:20-21 we are free from that. We are meant to learn what our adoption means as the Holy Spirit leads us, testing all things by the same Holy Spirit that is guiding us, and tell others about it in truth and love.
Grace is Unbalanced
Human versions of grace will always be “Unbalanced Grace” because without a full understanding of our salvation we can’t even come close to understanding what true grace is (it is not a candy cane that humans can hand you…those melt in your mouth and are quickly forgotten).
by Summer D Clemenson | Apr 26, 2014 | Opinions
Holding offenses is exhausting. It also gives your power and authority away.
Our lack of repentance for this sin is killing any witness we might have as well as our bodies as we chose to live in depravity instead of our salvation. Christian, if you are hurting, you have hurt someone. Repent and our Father will be free to heal you and all other parties.
by Summer D Clemenson | Apr 24, 2014 | Opinions
Everyone has their story of abuse and healing
This statement doesn’t say, seek abuse and stay in an unhealthy relationship.
Jesus said to bless those who curse you.
Basically this statement says to be grateful for learning how much stronger he made us to be.
Sometimes we should not have these conversations with the actual person who hurt us but speak to God as the one who carried you through and in our healing is the only connection between us and those who have hurt us.
by Summer D Clemenson | Apr 23, 2014 | Opinions
Don’t trip over being right. There are always a number of perspectives you can’t see. Humility and truth in love will help you with this one.
If someone takes the time to tell you they don’t feel loved by you…maybe your perspective is skewed.
How many times you visit a building referred to as a church does not say anything about your relationship with God or how you understand his heart or the path you are walking on.