September 4, 2015 Prayers


Thank You so much that You are Lord! I need You and I am so thankful that You have always been with me and have planned for my needs.

Jesus please be with Jho while she travels to Idaho to rescue her father from the fires. Thank You that she is able to do this. Please empower her to care for her father and sister while they are staying with her. Thank You that JK is so supporting of his wife to allow her to take in her family. I ask for financial, spiritual, mental and physical blessings as they are needed. Bless this family Lord. (more…)

September 3, 2015 Prayers

Lord, I recognize that I died with You to my ability to defile myself as I have been taught by others or by an attitude of unfaithfulness based on lust and deceit or by anything that causes hate, disgust, sin or any idols I have set before You, on purpose or because of ignorance. As you know my sins, known or unknown to me, I ask that You show them to me so I may be forgiven. Thank You that You are always working in me to show me what I look like inside You, hidden and what You look like in me, revealed. (more…)

Your Anger is Killing You

My heart was aching before I wrote this.

Shootings, accusations, harboring un-forgiveness and hatred, gossiping; all these things bombard us in the news, in the shows we watch for entertainment, Facebook News Feeds (and all the other Social Networking sites), conversations with friends and in our minds.


Learning Forgiveness

I am so glad that I am a child of God. Because He is my Father He is always teaching me something. Some lessons are harder than others. We have been working on forgiveness for a long time….we still are…

“And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.” Mark 11:25


There is No Magic Pill

I have decided that there is no magic pill…that was always the answer I just didn’t want to think that. I was taking 2 different meds to help me with living with anxiety disorder and the one meant to help me sleep didn’t always work. I had decided it didn’t work and planned to talk to the dr about it on my next appointment. Meanwhile I have been going to a Living Well with Chronic Illness class and have finally made peace that I must choose to live on a schedule so I can accomplish my personal goals and as I was beginning to see success…it was time to go to the appointment. (more…)

The Isaiah 9:10 Judgement DVD

Recently Karen and I were loaned a copy of The Isaiah 9:10 Judgement DVD by a friend, who has watched lots of times and felt that we really needed to see it. So that is what we did on our day off, actually it played twice through because Karen had fallen asleep at the end and I was inspired to pray and search the bible for a few words about themes that I saw throughout the production. The editing team that created it made sure that it looped and so, in the end it was at least listened to twice in our house.

The Isaiah 9:10 Judgement DVD was written by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn to accompany his books The Harbinger and The Harbinger Companion.

On the Publisher’s Description for The Isaiah 9:10 Judgement states:

The Lord Knows

This morning I woke to sunshine streaming in the window and a song on my heart. The voice sounded like me but it was deep within me. I am used to this and I think I take it for granted sometimes.

“*Draw Me Close to You. Never let me go. I lay it all down again, to hear You say that I’m Your friend…”.



1) I am thankful that I can say thank you. So many people don’t stop and say thank you. Gratitude is an amazing gift from God. When we say thank you we are blessed in so many ways. When you make a lifestyle of being thankful (which Jesus told us to do in the first place) it becomes easier and easier and even in painful, stressful, terrifying situations you can always find something to say thank you for. Doing this blesses God and amazes blesses the people around you. If you are alive, have something to eat, clothes to wear and some sort of shelter, you have four things to be thankful for. If you don’t have great shelter or are feeling blue you might even be more thankful for the beautiful weather today because being stuck outside in the rain is not nearly as fun as dancing in the sunshine. If you have someone that loves you or many people that love you, you are rich indeed! (more…)


1) I am thankful that God planned be before the foundation of the earth and set me on a path He created just for me. I am thankful for my salvation and the fact that God is always working in me and blesses people through me. (more…)


1) I am thankful for my printer! I have had so many issues with printers that more often than not I don’t have one and although it is nice say hi to the folks at Copies Today SpeedyLitho…it costs too much to make copies for committee meetings so I often don’t have much to hand to Karen Gidderon, Jamie Holloway, Lynn Brown, Angelique Yoder, Clarence Beerman and Jacob A Beerman and guests…BTW in case you haven’t read your emails…we have a Living Ministries meeting tonight at 6 pm at Life Works


Don’t Call Me Beloved

I recently went through a huge loss. I lost a friend; or I lost the illusion that I had a friend. It has been hard to heal from this loss. After 3 years I have come to the realization that this is not a healthy relationship and although with time and prayer I will be able to forgive, I will not be reconnecting with this person. I don’t believe that we can encourage growth in each other and some actions kill any incentive to rebuild trust.

Although I have come to this decision, I have not shared it with her and yesterday morning I woke up to a text message from her that referred to me as Beloved. Just another reason that I need to let go. (more…)


1) I am thankful for my marriage. I have been best friends with Karen Gidderon for 12 years in October. Since we have been married, I feel like there are parts of me that were broken that are no longer broken, parts of me that were weak that are stronger, and parts of me that I knew were missing that have been found. There is an unmeasurable greatness in knowing that I have someone beside me always that wants what I want. Both of us have blossomed by knowing that. Professionally, personally and spiritually we have seen growth. We love taking care of each other.

2) I have lost two relationships since May and although accepting the loss and the good parts of the relationship that are no longer, I am thankful that the end came. I am a dedicated person and in the past have accepted a lot of emotional abuse, control and manipulation as part of relationship. I am not called to do that. Until these two people left, I didn’t understand the turmoil and stress they were causing in my personal, professional and spiritual path. I am grateful to My God who has carried me through the loss and pain and also showed me the bigger picture. (more…)


1) I am thankful to have landed. Being homeless sucks bigger than I imagined. This is not a permanent home but I am here now and I am safe and I don’t have to pack my things up in the morning and take them with me to a place I am not sure of. In the last few years I have learned to respect homeless people for their ability to survive; I now know more than I wanted to know. I am blessed because we had resources enough to stay in motels and have one good meal a day. So many don’t know what this feels like because they have forgotten and to them, I tip my hat. They are resourceful, brave and stronger than I have had to be. (more…)

The Incredible Adventures of Karen and Summer

Making the most of it!

Since 2010, when we founded Living Ministries, there have been several times that Karen and I have looked at each other and said, I never thought I would be here. Most of these times have included us dealing with other people that were having a hard time. I now know that having empathy can never fully compare to experiencing it yourself.

I can’t say this for Karen. For a time she was living in her car. She was so positive and ambitious that no one caught on for months. She has never told me details about the experience but I have seen a look come over her eyes that tells me I don’t really want to know. Honestly, I hope this experience is not something we will share, but it is an option if our money runs out before we get into an apartment.


Pray For Peace

In my journey as a Christian I have asked God for a few things that He has been faithful to bring me to, since I had them and just didn’t know it. I have asked to be a good servant to Him, I have asked that He remove anything that wouldn’t stand the fire on judgement day, I have asked that He help me be the same person all the time and not different when I am in public, at home or in church, I have asked Him to help me love and forgive and be thankful. In all my requests, even for possessions like a home, car, clothes or any other physical thing He has been faithful. Faithful to what He made me for: to be in relationship with Him and to love others.


I Married My Best Friend

When I was a girl, I thought I would never marry. After watching my parents have an unhealthy marriage and an emotionally traumatizing divorce I wasn’t interested. Knowing that my great-grandmother, grandmother and mother, who also are first born daughters, were divorced, I thought it was something that you could pass down from generation to generation and in my heart I vowed I would never take the plunge.

It was easy to avoid it. I was raised to serve my family, my job and the god I was taught in church. I grew up to be a workaholic and a cynic. My God has always been at work in me, though.

Since I was 5 and He came to introduce Himself to me, when I was in back yard playing by myself, I had always known He was there. There were times that I knew that He was the parent that taught me the most because my parents were busy with work or my sisters. It was easy to leave me alone; I was strong, stubborn, responsible and always seemed to know what I was doing. But I was also afraid, too sensitive, too emotional and anxious and even though I think I told them I was having trouble, it was always God who would tell how to do things…if I wasn’t caught up in my emotions and unable to hear Him.

When I was 25 I said something different to God. I had failed with trying to work with doctors and counselors. Medications didn’t work to take away the things that tormented me. So finally I realized I was a twenty-year-old Christian that acted like a toddler. I started measuring my hangups, fears, emotions and expectations by my death in Christ.

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20

I have to tell you this is the best drug I have ever tried! The best because it wasn’t a drug or a person with a degree that didn’t understand how complicated I was physically, spiritually, and emotionally. It was me and God going through the old filing cabinet and clearing out some of the junk to make room for greater realization of my salvation.

The sometimes mean, selfish, angry and suicidal woman was going away and she was being replaced with someone that listened, showed compassion, cared about people, wasn’t so greedy and wanted to live…

Then I met Karen.

It was October 8, 2003 and I had just been hired at Professional Communication Services; an answering service. During my orientation I walked into the call center and there was this wild-eyed, exuberant black woman with a pick stuck in her hair, who looked like she wanted to attack me…at least that is what I thought. After she was reprimanded by our boss, who didn’t want to lose me, she toned it down and we started becoming friends.

We have gone through a lot with each other. In 2006 I had the worst breakup of my life, which threw me back into some of my old coping skills, but I still graduated with my AA in Business Management because as I was about to throw in the towel, Karen had an aneurism. Great friends had enough sense to take her straight to Vancouver instead of bringing her to our less than the best hospital in Longview. The doctors there were able to bring her back to life. This is what fueled my continuation of the journey I had been trying to make for 13 years. Karen wanted me to have that degree more than I did and I thought if she had anther episode and couldn’t be brought back, I wanted to make sure she knew that I wanted her to be happy.

In 2008 I had landed what I thought would be my perfect job as a website designer at a company in Longview. I was happy about this because building websites is what I really loved to do. I got training on the job, which was important because Longview really has trouble keeping up with technology and even the college didn’t have what I needed for this profession. PCS had recently been sold to a corporation and I was miserable there; I had never been a number before and the management hated my opinions. Karen was with the company only a short time too before she was let go…they didn’t appreciate people with passion and ideas. The people that owned the marketing company I worked for also owned a small newspaper and they hired Karen on as a salesperson…she needed more freedom than they could give her so that didn’t last long either…

In 2010 Karen shared with me that her dad was dying. After all the years we had been friends, she really hadn’t told me much about herself. She was content with listening and being excited about my ideas and I was still a little too selfish to shut up and let her talk. She had never really talked a lot about her family, but she finally had a reason to go home. I notified our friends and we all chipped in to pay for her flight home to North Carolina. She changed during that visit home.

Karen finally told me her dream. My friend wanted to become a videographer.

What is a videographer? Someone that shoots people and events with a camera and then makes it into something spectacular. Karen had a partner in mind. They were already working together; but they didn’t have money to start up. I had been able to miser away some savings so I decided that I would invest and become a silent partner. My silence lasted for about 2 days.

Exclaim Media Video & Marketing was begun in October 2010.

The next month I heard that it was voted into law that it was illegal for people to camp in Longview. It tore me up inside because homeless people don’t disappear at night. With all the services available in Longview I also felt there was a lack of connection and relationship that was really hurting us. Living Ministries was founded in November 2010.

Both businesses, which we have always called our kids have grown into something we could never have imagined. That other partner went away. The original board of directors disbanded and we got new ones…but Karen and I were always side by side. When I would want to throw in the towel she would encourage me. I have watched people watch us. I can see in their eyes that we are force to be reckoned with when we are working together.

We have been asked for years if we were a couple and both of us would smile and tell them we were best friends and business partners. We wanted the same things out of life so it was easy to spend every day together. Plan a future together. We talked about what we would do if either of us met the man of our dreams; knowing he would have to be amazing because our hearts had been trampled to dust and really never came back. We were happy with being old maids together.

Karen comes to all family events with me. My nephew Casey asked if he could call her Auntie Karen years ago…and all the kids followed suit. She was adopted into my family as my friend and she embraced their craziness and passion with all the same gentle, caring ways she had used with a younger Summer and the Summer that is writing this blog.

Since we began our companies, Karen had technically been homeless more than once; I would have been homeless too if my mother had not allowed me to stay with her. We had started something on an impulse and as with every jump we make, we had learned to roll with the punches and most of the time we were broke.

She and I have been through so much together and each trial has brought us closer. We felt our greatest strength was that we always knew the other one would be there. Even our ministry with our community thrives on our love.

Karen probably thought she knew everything about me but there was one thing that I had never told anyone. Being someone that was always alone, who didn’t know how to trust, when it came to my health I just dealt quietly with things, knowing that God would sustain me until it was time to go to heaven. Every decision I made as co-owner and founder of two businesses and even in my friendship with Karen were based on the idea that I would be dead in a few years.

In the summer of 2004 I had found a spot on my ankle. It hurt. It seeped. It burned. I was afraid. Although God had told me several times through the years to go to the doctor I couldn’t. Every human that was supposed to help me, had failed me and I couldn’t admit to another person that I had failed. I felt that because my body couldn’t heal on its own I had become a failure. After a certain number of years my pride also stopped me because I didn’t want to admit to anyone how long I had known about this problem. I wore long skirts all the time so no one noticed the swelling. I had always been a little compulsive so it was easy for me to tell people that I needed to cover up. It had always hurt to be touched; this wasn’t a lie.

I had gone through so much healing with God on an emotional, mental and spiritual level that I knew that anything that wasn’t of him was going to be hard to get rid of…the stuff we have carried for our whole lives is hard to put down since we can’t imagine life without them. I had told God, here and no further regarding my body. If he wanted me healed, he would have to do it himself.

The last week of January 2014 I got the flu. The worst flu I have ever had. I was super sick for over 10 days. Somewhere in there I realized that something was really wrong with my leg because I had to remove my toe ring. The spot on my leg had always been on my ankle but it seemed to be traveling up my thigh and taking over my foot. I couldn’t hide it anymore and Karen, who had been coming to care for me every day noticed…and my mom noticed.

It was Wednesday January 29th when the problem was becoming too big to handle. On Saturday my mom was starting to freak out. On Sunday she insisted I was going to the hospital on Monday. I prayed to God as I realized that I was going to lose this fight. God told me to go to Legacy Salmon Creek on Wednesday February 5, 2014. This decision was unacceptable to my family who decided to call the police and have me removed against my will to the hospital because my mother thought I was suicidal.

I knew I wasn’t suicidal I just had a few things I needed to deal with with God before I took the scariest trip in my life. Luckily I never lost my head and the guy from Lower Columbia Mental Health and the police officer did not have enough proof that I was trying to kill myself and the paramedic that I allowed in my room was impressed with the broccoli and yogurt I had been trying to eat…suicidal people don’t eat food like that…they also don’t care how many liters of water they drank that day and cover every wall in their bedroom with mementos and pictures of their amazing life…so they all left and my best friend was the only person allowed in my room until I went to the hospital on Wednesday…of course the conversation of an LLC was now more than just an idea…

The next two days are a whirlwind in healing. I was praying constantly. I would have night terrors that led me to wake up making declarations of my freedom from this or that that had plagued me my whole life. When I wasn’t praying or crying I found myself telling Karen every secret I ever had. I couldn’t pull the wool over her eyes, now, if I wanted to.

On Wednesday I woke up and my leg was the worst it had ever been and it felt like it was on fire. I had stopped taking anything for a few days because I had heard the word Cellulitis in my head and had researched and found at that NSAIDS could make it worse. My leg was three times its normal size and looked like I had covered it is rich, dark, pizza sauce. I was sitting on the toilet and asking God why he had let me wait till Wednesday. I was so scared. I thought I would lose my leg.

He said, “You won’t pay extra for this. I had to heal some other things before you could go.”

So my best friend showed up and made me some broccoli and eggs for breakfast. I took some Ibuprofen and a shower and we got ready to leave. Before I could leave, I had to do something I had never done. I showed Karen my leg. She was the first person to see my naked leg in years. She didn’t even flinch, however a tear did dance in her eye.

She never left my side while I was in the hospital for 4 days. She held my hand through every painful moment. I had to threaten to stop eating just to get her to go to the cafeteria to get food for herself. When it was time to go home she told me that the doctor had said that patients usually are in the hospital for 10-15 days with a case of Cellulitis like mine, but I was there 4 days.

When we got home, Karen was there for me then too. My family had never come to the hospital. They called and spoke with Karen, while I was out of my mind on drugs to kill the infection and get my body to start fighting back. My family is not hands on with me. They did buy things I needed but were glad to let Karen take care of me.

The biggest thing that happened in the last few months is that I want to live. I have found someone I can trust and then we found some more people to be friends with. I love my new doctor.

In the past I had tried medications to help me deal with Anxiety Disorder but they always made me suicidal. After this big change in my life a bottle of lavender and my best friend’s hand was the best medication. I was healing in so many ways fast. We were walking and eating less and more healthily. We were starting to focus on getting back to work, while Karen was always cheering me on.

On April 26, 2014 my best friend and I were watching a movie after a long day. Somewhere during that movie I had grabbed her hand. Neither one of us had tried to let go for the entire movie. The next night was similar, except this time we had hugged each other and never let go. I was nervous because I didn’t know what this was and Karen was not able to answer my question. On April 28, 2014 we shared a kiss and my best friend asked me to marry her and I said yes. In two days I felt things fall into place that had always been wrong. We had talked about how a change in our relationship would affect lots of people: our families, our friends, our community, our ministry.

But it was the right thing to do. I know I was made for this path. I know that God is using this too for his kingdom.

On Friday May 9, 2014 I married my best friend. My family was not there. Most of our friends were not there. Just our friend Debra, who officiated, our friend Lynn and her daughter who were witnesses, our friend Amanda who was our photographer and this great couple, Dennis and Audi who own the Thyme Square Bistro in Cathlamet who we invited that day when we stopped for lunch after grabbing another load of my things from my mother’s house. It was private, unplanned and perfect for us.

We don’t know what will happen in the future but we will conquer it together and continue making as much JOY in life as we can. In the back of my mind I always thought if I married it should be to my best friend…I too was surprised that I would marry a female friend. I hate labels so straight, gay, heterosexual or homosexual are weird to me. But if people want me in that box and it helps them feel safe, or better I will be fine with it. My older step-sister said I would lose some people in my life, that I would be condemned by some, that I would be embraced by some. She was right. But as long as Karen is holding my hand, loving me out loud, I am ok with that too.

Please leave your comment below. Warning, it wont be visible until we have deemed it wont cause trauma to others.


Julie Nelson

Congrats Summer and Karen! This is a very touching story. I am very happy for the both of you. You are amazing women and you deserve to be happy.

Susan Buck

I loved ur honest, heartfelt story! I know karen from my short time in toastmasters and know what a great person she is and am happy fir u both. I gave a speech once that had the message “let go and trust”…so I truly hope u do just that from hear on out!! Pooey with the nay sayers!!!

Sophia Cedotal

Karen & Summer,
I love reading your stories on how you met one another. It doesn’t matter what others think, it is all about how you two feel. If you love each other than I say that is all that matters. You two have done so much amazing work for the Cowlitz County area. May God Bless this next chapter in your lives!

Jon Randall

I am sooooo happy for you guys … It is awesome when two people find in another the part that makes them complete. You are an awesome team that will share a lifetime of happiness together! Congratulations!!!

Christie Ellis

That was a powerful an amazing story friend. I teared up twice and sniveled a wee bit at the end. Labels are for food and cleaners. Love knows no label or bounds. It simply is, whether people like it, support it or understand it. No one needs to besides the two of you. I am utterly enthralled with your joint journey. I truly hope for decades of more stories. You two can do anything together!

Brenda Brown

Congratulations again! That is one of the best stories that I have ever heard! You guys make a wonderful team. And when you add the Power of God and Love… nothing/noone can stand in the way. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness! People will talk, label, disown, etc… but that is on them. They are the ones that will have to be held accountable for their actions and judgements. Don’t let that get you down. As long as you are happy, continue to work for the Kingdom and live life with no regrets… who cares? You have to answer to noone.

Diana Davis

Love your story! I wish you both the best. Keep doing your wonderful work around town, and know that you are following the path you are meant to follow. Cheers!!

Jesus on the Inside and Outside of You

Much of the bible was written to capture the attention of educated Jews that were used to having tons of laws to live by but according to Galatians 2:20-21 we are free from that. We are meant to learn what our adoption means as the Holy Spirit leads us, testing all things by the same Holy Spirit that is guiding us, and tell others about it in truth and love.

Grace is Unbalanced

Human versions of grace will always be “Unbalanced Grace” because without a full understanding of our salvation we can’t even come close to understanding what true grace is (it is not a candy cane that humans can hand you…those melt in your mouth and are quickly forgotten).


Just Married

The best things happen while you are making plans. On May 09, 2014 I married my best friend. Wait. Let me back up just a bit.

I met Summer D Clemenson on October 03, 2002. She had applied for a job at Professional Communication Services, where I had been working there for three years. After Summer was hired, I scared her with my exuberant personality and pick-in-the-hair hairdo! Later on my boss told me not to scare Summer away from us!

Well Summer learned to put up with my crazy hairdos and my bad jokes. After 11 years of friendship and lots of adventures: lots of personal life experiences as well as starting 2 businesses, we discovered on April 26, 2014 that we felt more for each other than just friendship. We prayed for guidance and a future that would be filled with love and understanding. I asked Summer if she would share her life with me and she said…..YES!  I was shocked!

As I stood beside this wonderful woman on May 09, 2014 there was no doubt in my mind and heart that we were doing the right thing. Before we took our vows we were whispering to each other in our own language while our friends were watching us. Our love continues to grow and there are so many things I want to say to her. I feel humbled and blessed. I have been awarded this most precious gift of all…. the gift of true complete love! Woot Woot!

Repent of your Grudges

Holding offenses is exhausting. It also gives your power and authority away.

Our lack of repentance for this sin is killing any witness we might have as well as our bodies as we chose to live in depravity instead of our salvation. Christian, if you are hurting, you have hurt someone. Repent and our Father will be free to heal you and all other parties.

Bless Your Abuser

Everyone has their story of abuse and healing

This statement doesn’t say, seek abuse and stay in an unhealthy relationship.
Jesus said to bless those who curse you.

Basically this statement says to be grateful for learning how much stronger he made us to be.

Sometimes we should not have these conversations with the actual person who hurt us but speak to God as the one who carried you through and in our healing is the only connection between us and those who have hurt us.

Don’t Trip Over Being Right

Don’t trip over being right. There are always a number of perspectives you can’t see. Humility and truth in love will help you with this one.

If someone takes the time to tell you they don’t feel loved by you…maybe your perspective is skewed.

How many times you visit a building referred to as a church does not say anything about your relationship with God or how you understand his heart or the path you are walking on.

Connect the Dots Featuring New Hope Cancer Recovery

Back in August we were blessed to have the opportunity to work with Kim Walters of New Hope Cancer Recovery on her annual event, Cruise for the Cure. This annual event takes an entire year to pull off and according to Kim, when we met with her last week over lattes at our mutually favorite coffee shop, ZoJo, she has several details well underway.

Before Cruise for the Cure 2012, we had the opportunity to interview Kim for a Connect The Dots Episode with a lot of fuel injection! Of course our attention was detoured from blog entries while we jumped from Cruise for the Cure to Christmas Angel Telethon…so here is our thoughts on this show.

New Hope Cancer Recovery is a resource for those that are living with cancer and those that love them, as well as those who have lost someone to cancer. When you watch this episode you will get an idea of how New Hope Cancer Recovery can help you and some of the fun that happens at Cruise or the Cure which always takes place in beautiful Downtown Longview!