I am proving myself consistent at having trouble with my limits. With everything I did yesterday, I have been sluggish all day. I would love a nap but I am afraid I will have trouble sleeping tonight…Karen won’t be home for 2 hours.
Today I made a huge crockpot of soup: drippings and leftover chicken, onion, carrot and celery, chopped mushrooms, corn, bacon bits, chicken bone broth, wild rice…and then I looked in the fridge and found a couple spicy sausages that are too hot on their own, but nice in 6 quarts of soup and some frozen peas and broccoli that were about become freezer burned. Then I added boullion, garlic, pepper and Italian seasoning. It smells so good in here and after working in the rain, Karen will enjoy a nice hot meal.
I got my workout done and took a short walk…rain is not nice on arthritic joints…
I also made salads for the next two days for me. I always think of my Grandma Clemenson when I make a salad, she is the lady in the picture above with my little cousin. I didn’t get a lot of time with her, but I do remember helping her in the kitchen before a meal. She told me to make the salad and I was surprised by everything she put in a salad. On the other side of my family, salad was simple and mainly lettuce. I remember Grandma saying: Summer, nobody cares about the lettuce, they like everything else. So I usually start with a salad mix that is cabbage based (vital to a high iron diet) then I add diced onion, chopped carrots, sliced beets, sliced black olives and anything else that might be available…today I had some cucumber. The mix had bacon bits, sesame seeds and a lemon vinaigrette. Tomorrow when I eat it I will add pepper and cottage cheese and if I am needing protein, a can of albacore tuna. I got a lot out of that day with Grandma Clemenson and people like my salads much better too.
When the assistant called to schedule my surgery and related appointments she told me if my hemoglobin was under 10, I would need an iron infusion. Luckily, I got my labs back and my hemoglobin is a little over 11. That is still considered low but MUCH BETTER than 5.8. Thank You Jesus for helping my body heal quickly. My red and white blood cells are both in normal range…so I am doing well!
On another positive note, Karen’s mom has been discharged from the hospital. We still don’t have a lot of information about her condition, we are hopeful that the hospital thought she was well enough to leave. Thank you for your prayers.
Feel free to leave your comments below!
My name is Summer. That is how you can call me. I hope that I am a blessing to you. I am not perfect. I will fall again. But I am forgiven.
Do you know Jesus? Do want the Holy Spirit to fill you and give you understanding and salvation? Ask Him. Want someone to pray with you? Contact me.
If you would like to know Jesus as your friend, but want to make this amazing commitment by yourself please pray something like this:
Thank you Jesus that You are the Son of God, the God that created heaven and earth. Thank you Jesus that You came to earth in the form of a man so that You would be able to empathize with my humanity. Thank You that You did this in order to fulfill the promises You made at the foundation of the world.
I realize that I am a sinner and do things that hurt myself and keep myself away from you. Thank You that You died for my sins so that You could defeat death and bring me into Your life. Please forgive me.
I ask You to be Lord of my life. I ask you to heal my hurts and show me what my new life, empowered by You looks like. Thank You for Your mercy.