Sometimes when we are caring for our skin with Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils we need to cut them so they are not as potent. “Hot oils” like Oregano or Thyme Essential Oils may cause sensitive skin to be affected negatively if they are used without a carrier oil. Carrier oils (aka vegetable, fixed or base oils) are also helpful if you have applied an Essential Oil to skin and are experiencing a negative effect. Applying a carrier oil to a sensitive area will help calm your skin. Soap and water will actually push a “Hot oil” further into pores.
Fractionated Coconut Oil is a distilled vegetable oil that is highly stable; it is odorless, affordable and has an indefinite shelf-life. Fractionated Coconut Oil is non-greasy, clear and penetrates the skin well. It is pH balanced for all skin types and can improve the appearance of your skin.
When cutting Essential Oils you would generally use a 1:1 ratio, however with people with very sensitive skin, like children you should try a 4:1 ratio.
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“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”