I have been working to make this recipe perfect for over 10 years and now I would like to share it with you. I love this recipe because it is gluten free, high in omega 3’s and tastes delicious! I was inspired to start working on this because my niece, Allie needed some more fiber in her diet, as a toddler, and her brother, Casey LOVES banana bread…The recipe recently became gluten free, as I learned that my bosom-friend, Jamie Holloway, is gluten intolerant and I wanted to have a few recipes in my arsenal that she could just enjoy without worry or feeling deprived.

Another plus is that you can easily substitute shredded zucchini or pureed pumpkin and even switch out or omit the walnuts, chocolate chips and cranberries.

I want to encourage you to not purchase ground flax seed, but actually buy whole flax seed and use your food processor to grind it fresh. The reason you want to do this is that the minute the seeds are ground, the oils that are so good for you and the reason you would bother eating flax, begin to evaporate. Also flax is one seed that your stomach can’t break down…meaning if it is not well-ground it will enter and exit whole…another way you miss out on those amazing omega 3’s! If you don’t have a food processor or Cuisinart, you can use anything with a flat blade for grinding. I used to have coffee grinder used only for seasonings (that idea came from my great-grandpa Drummond); I usually use my Bullet for grinding now…


  • Fresh Ground Flax Seed 1 ½ cup
  • All Purpose Gluten Free Flour 1/8 cup
  • Sorghum Flour 1/8 cup
  • Aluminum Free Baking Powder 2 tsp
  • Baking Soda 1/4 tsp
  • Raw Sugar or Evaporated Cane Sugar 2/3 cup
  • Organic Cinnamon 1 ½ tsp
  • Avocado Oil 1/3 cup
  • Eggs 3
  • Mashed Bananas (or grated zucchini or puréed pumpkin) 1 cup (about 2 bananas)
  • Chopped Walnuts ½ cup
  • Dark Chocolate Chips ¼ cup
  • Dried Cranberries ¼ cup

Note: Coconut oil to grease the pans and butter for the top (butter is optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 350°.
  2. Grease loaf pan with coconut oil.
  3. Blend Flax, All Purpose Gluten Free Flour, Sorghum Flour, Baking Powder, Baking Soda, Raw Sugar and Cinnamon in a large bowl.
  4. Beat the eggs in a small bowl.
  5. Add beaten eggs, Avocado Oil, Mashed Bananas, Walnuts, Chocolate Chips and Dried Cranberries to the dry ingredients and mix well.
  6. Pour into pans and spread evenly.
  7. Bake 25-35 minutes. At 25 min you can put butter pats on top and put back the bread back in the oven for at least 10 minutes so the butter can caramelize.
  8. Remove from oven. Let cool for 10 min.
  9. Remove from bread pan and let cool for at least 30 min before serving.

Note: This bread is always better on day 2!

We live such busy lives and to make mornings easier I tend to make sure we have a loaf of the bread in the fridge (No preservatives means you should keep it in the refrigerator) along with a bowl of hard boiled eggs. Voila! Quick breakfasts for both my wife and I that are healthy and filling…

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