I Woke up Today From a Dream
I woke up today from a dream. A nightmare, really...In my dream my father was trying to murder me. I know this isn’t real, but only a dream. But in the dream my father was angry because I didn’t like the way he wanted to celebrate Christmas and I wasn’t going to come....

You Can’t Be Gay and Be a Christian: I Don’t Agree
I have spent the last week dialoguing with a local woman, that I will refer to as Susan, about homosexuality. She is a Christian woman that has different ideas than I do. I believe she is a kind woman but according to my understanding of my queer family, she is...

What is a Lifestyle?
There was an event at Father’s House Church last Saturday that I felt that I would have wanted to protest, but my body would not have been able to handle the stress. According to the flyer, very conservative Republicans from the Family Policy Institute of Washington...

I Do Not Want More Laws
I am so torn between putting this on my blog or directly on Facebook. I know people read my blog but they never respond and I really want to hear people’s opinions. I do not want more laws. I don’t think we have a large enough police force in Longview, Washington to...

I Am The Most Like Him
I will always have a pain inside of me about my father. Out of all of his children I know I am the most like him. He protected me when I was a little girl. My mother loved me but I wasn’t the baby she wanted. She wanted children that wanted to be taken care of and for...

Book Review: Wildblood by Lauren Blackwood
I wasn’t looking for Wildblood by Lauren Blackwood, I won it as a givaway on GoodReads. But I needed the vacation it took me on. I am intense person. I don’t choose easy books to read. The last few books I have read took a lot of attention and mind power to absorb. I...

My Thoughts Are Hard To Deal With
Every lunatic I have ever thought of blocking on Facebook has been trying to reach me I must be made of stone still I feel like with the right amount of wind I could crumble ~ There are two kinds of women the ones you want to know and the ones that should jump off a...

Book Review: Bible Gender Sexuality Reframing the Church’s Debate on Same-Sex Relationships by James V. Brownson
Bible Gender Sexuality Reframing the Church’s Debate on Same-Sex Relationships by James V. Brownson is the first book I have read on the topic of what the bible says about being queer. I have read the bible and I have spoken to God but I want to read what more learned...

I Hate You
If I were to make my outside look like my inside you would probably say it was my fault The knife cuts and the razor blades would only embellish where the scars don’t already live ~ You wouldn’t smile at me while we spoke We would never speak honestly It wouldn’t...

Memories Are Bigger Than the Thing We are Responding To
Sometimes when we have a strong response to something it is because memories are bigger than the thing we are responding to. The other day I made a post on Facebook because I have seen so many memes and posts with the middle finger and it made me angry. It wasn’t my...