by Summer D Clemenson | Feb 18, 2025 | Poetry, Politics, Prayers
It is hard to think with my human mind
Sometimes my spirit is on fire
And I can’t imagine how to move
The direct path is hard to see
Those who live in the spirit
Cannot be judged
They cannot be understood
By those who live in the flesh
It is only God that knows
Where I am going
Where we are going
My arms are tired from holding them up
The champions that are fighting
Must see that someone is for them
So here I stand with my arms stretched out
I am a beacon of light
So many have left love behind
They seek human made things
For validation
For power
For life
But none of this will stand up to fire and brimstone
Only LOVE will survive the holy fire
So I stand here
Because the warriors are winning
Even if it doesn’t look like it
by Summer D Clemenson | Jan 31, 2025 | Opinions, Poetry, Politics
Wednesday January 29, 2025
probably seemed like any other night
Until Headline News screamed
across the television screen
in bright red letters
An American Airlines jet and
a military Black Hawk
doing an annual night proficiency training flight
had collided
60 passengers and 4 crew members on the jet
3 soldiers on the helicopter
67 lives lost because of a human mistake
As of Thursday over 100 first responders
are still fishing out bodies from the Potomac
Teen figure skaters returning from
a national meet with
their mothers and coaches
Union steamfitters
from Washington, D.C.
and soldiers we can’t replace are all gone
We will never get them back
#47 wants to blame
Diversity Equity and Inclusion programs
because he is emotionally immature
#47 wants to blame
#44 and #46 because generally
people like him think the buck stops with the president
And he can’t bear that
But those who have grown beyond their fears
are much more creative
We want to see the families and loved ones cared for
We want to learn how this tremendous error happened
so we don’t do it again
This atrocity is not even about #47
by Summer D Clemenson | Jan 23, 2025 | Opinions, Poetry, Politics
Things we have never seen before
have happened at his hand
He has encouraged us to give way to violence
and given control to white supremacist
after they had been taught to be quiet
On January 6, 2021 our United States Capitol Building
was attacked by a mob of over 1500
They included Oath Keepers
Proud Boys
and Three Percenters
fueled by his rhetoric that his election had been stolen
5 people died
many people were injured
including 174 police officers
Four officers committed suicide after it was over
$2.7 million in damages were caused by rioters
Pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails were found nearby
Most people were convicted of federal crimes
But he pardoned them all
as soon as he could get his cult members
to elect him again
Probably because it reminded him
of his 2nd impeachment
What does this say to us?
That people are only useful
if he needs them
That the police officers that help us
have no authority
and their lives are unimportant
I am beginning to wonder
when the second insurrection
will come
Photo By Tyler Merbler from USA – DSC09254-2, CC BY 2.0
by Summer D Clemenson | Jan 16, 2025 | Poetry
I have always had to be brave
I wasn’t allowed to be
my authentic
human self
You assumed you knew me
that I was just like you
If it had been safe to be myself
I would ask you about your day
your dreams
why you prefer to be alone
at least without me
But you don’t know me
just as much as I don’t know you
Since we can never talk about my wounds
They weren’t self-inflicted
while you told me about yours over and over
I’m not fixated on my scars
They just still hurt
and you have a way of reminding me
of the ones I tucked away
I have always made excuses for you
but I see that hasn’t helped either of us
You said you loved me
But you called me names
You ignored me
You took joy in humiliating me
Telling my stories to anyone that would listen
I will never get it back from you
the way I give it
because you don’t love the way I do
I know trust is lost between us
and so is relationship
That is why I am always afraid
when you walk through the door
I never know which one of you is coming
I gave you one more chance
to acknowledge your abuse
but you refused
sealing it with the stink of gaslighting
You are always so afraid
The reason I had to be brave
I understand your shortcomings
but I am done making excuses
I deserve to feel accepted
and you can’t communicate
that to me
I have learned to love myself
to create and keep boundaries
Now I am at peace with being brave for myself
by Summer D Clemenson | Sep 20, 2024 | Poetry
I had my team even though I didn’t want them
I wasn’t properly trained
But my uniform was always properly attired
Three yellow chevron on blue was always attractive
and polished
An invisible sergeant
I was never given a horse
even though my specialty was cavalry
It is impossible to lead or train
When no one can see you
Supervision, guidance, support I gave
for which I was never paid
Or rather I paid very dearly
They knew my value
but I didn’t
I saw myself
This old self yesterday
and I understood another part of me
I thanked myself for my service
and let myself retire with honors
by Summer D Clemenson | Aug 14, 2024 | Poetry
He is natural in chaos
I used to be but now I make different choices
with all these emotions
He commands the world
regardless of the blood on his face
and I wish the screaming
in my head hadn’t begun
when I saw the gunfire
The boy who shot him
had hardly lived
and now he is is dead
Is he paying for crimes
besides his own
Is he collateral damage
much like the bystanders
that felt the impact of his bullets
The father that died
The others that will live
but will never be the same
He is the epitome of every bully
I’ve ever known
It was clear when his lips
were red with his blood
I know him
I was terrified of him
How can they not see who he is
But I see him
And I am no longer afraid
He is just another man
by Summer D Clemenson | May 3, 2024 | Poetry
It has been a little over a week since
you went home to Jesus
I still have the bruises on my arthritic knees
from when I got on the floor to look under the bed
to make sure you were still alive
I still have your claw marks on my thigh
from when I was washing you
because you had stopped doing that
Who would have thought a cat would take up so much of my heart
You came to me when I had begun to accept
that I would never give birth to my own child
You were my baby and I took the job seriously
You were my best friend
because you understood when I couldn’t talk about what I was feeling
My idiosyncrasies became your idiosyncrasies
and yours became mine
Who would have thought a cat would teach me so much about my heart
I miss you at night
I miss saying goodnight to you after you have nagged me into bed
I miss getting up and meeting you in the bathroom
for midnight snuggles
But I love that you seem to visit me in the morning hours in my dreams
I loved that you cussed me out this morning
and I got the best sleep in a week with you lying on my chest yesterday
it makes me not want to wake up
Who would have thought a cat could bring out the best in me
You helped me in ways no one else could
not because they didn’t want to
but because they had other things to do
You lived to take care of me and help me
learn to take care of myself
to love myself
I am stronger because I had to take care of us
and you needed me to be brave
I love you Xavier
You’ll always be my good boy kitty
by Summer D Clemenson | Apr 29, 2024 | About Summer, Poetry
I am not afraid of the Spirit within me
I am not afraid of my emotions or memories
that cause physical sensations deep in my muscles
that remind me where I have been
and how far I have come
But I am afraid you will never see or hear who I really am
You offered me a gift with
no strings attached
I didn’t say anything about the strings that have always been there
So you must be confessing that
You don’t give anything freely
I read somewhere that
when you love someone you want the best for them
when you are attached to them you want what you can get out of them
I don’t have anything else to give you
But when I think of you
I ask God to give you your heart’s desire
I don’t want to find you guilty anymore
but you are the one that abused me
You taught your children to treat me like your slave
You are the one that shunned relationship first
There are many reasons I can’t trust you
But I still love you
So in my prayers you will stay
Note: These flowers don’t have anything to do with this poem but they are pretty and should be remembered. My wife, Karen G Clemenson’s coworkers gave them to her while she was recovering from her hysterectomy.
by Summer D Clemenson | Apr 19, 2024 | Poetry
Each step I got to be there for
was magic to me
I wasn’t your mother
I was your Auntie
Sometimes I fought for you
because I saw something
your parents couldn’t
They thought it was a weakness
I believed my perspective was a blessing
I didn’t have their burdens
I had no expectations
I just loved you
I just wanted you to be you
I didn’t leave you
I went to find and care for me
Without you I would never have known
I was who I am
I found a piece of me in each of you
I am so thankful
to be your Auntie
Your bright eyes may have been
the only ones I let see me
You thrive in my dreams and prayers
Everything I do has nothing
to do with anyone but me and God
I hope you can say the same
I would enjoy a relationship
outside the rule of familial traditions
But my real hope for you is
Self-Love, Peace, Creativity and Joy
However you can find it
No matter what
I will always be your Auntie
Even if I only see your beautiful smile
while I sleep
Dedicated to JJ, AM, JD, CJW, KG and BR
by Summer D Clemenson | Mar 5, 2024 | Poetry
This sadness knocks the wind out her
It is heavy like a coat soaked with rain
Carrying it around makes it impossible to breathe
yet she must
Thank You that I knew her
because with out her
I wouldn’t be exactly who I am
She is more than some of the reflection in my mirror
and someone in my dreams
She was an anchor
I am not the only one who loved her
I wish I could dry my mother’s tears
Please carry her
because I never could
Even though I tried
Thank You that are the true anchor
The one that carried us all
The one that still carries us now
by Summer D Clemenson | Jan 4, 2024 | About Summer, Poetry
The monster inside of me doesn’t care about what I think
or feel or want to be
I was born with this and I don’t think it cares how old I am
It is part of my genealogy
I see it in ancestors and a few who have come after me
I have tried to get rid of this thing that rages
Unlike a few fractures that stayed a long time, I won’t name it
It is a thorn in my side and I have only learned to control me
not the monster that finds joy in causing pain
I used to break things to satisfy its temper
Hurting people hurt me too much
The feeling of satisfaction made me want to throw up
I learned to limit myself
to remain sober
to make rules so I am always in control
I NEVER feed the monster
I don’t watch fighting, or horror movies or the news
I don’t spent time with people that rely on savagery
I forgive often
I listen to music that makes me happy<
The meds I take help me use my tools
I make better choices
My mind works slower and more efficiently
but I never forget the monster
I have more boundaries for myself than for others
I see people who have their own monster and I pray for them
God leads me away from my danger zones
I know He can help them too
He doesn’t take the monster because it keeps me humble
It helps me remember that I am imperfect
It makes me work hard to love myself
The monster makes it easy to love those that seem unloveable
because I am just like them
Behind my abstinent face with the pleasant smile
I know what I choosing not to do
When the monster is awake
Besides praying it will go back to sleep
by Summer D Clemenson | Dec 30, 2023 | Poetry
To know you are so close
but so far away hurts
but I know you have things to do
and I have got used to the ache
I’ve loved you with all my heart
and taught you to think for yourself
I’d hoped when you were a grown up
we could be friends
That no matter what they said
you would remember who I really am
How I let you define yourself
and how I delighted in you
I am proud of you
I know you are succeeding
Exploring and growing
Even if you are failing and starting over
that’s the best to learn
I will always be available
to hear how you conquered your world
have new dreams and visions
To pray for your courage and strength
The thought of you filling my doorway
makes me catch my breath
I’ll love you always
I hope for you
Because that is what this auntie does
by Summer D Clemenson | Dec 27, 2023 | About Summer, Art, Poetry
Nana told me grandparents understand
I had told her I was sad
I had learned late
it was my responsibility to make time
for Grandma Clem
I was baking banana bread
when she came to me
My heart felt warm
and I knew Grandma Clem
was here
She told me she knew her son
She knew what he did
It was ok I hadn’t come
to her funeral
Grandparents understand
by Summer D Clemenson | Dec 23, 2023 | About Summer, Art, Poetry
I have been the daughter of a fool
For so long I wanted you
to remember you loved me
to choose me one time
Back when we built things together
and grew things in the dirt
and danced to Thriller and Three Dog Night
Before you dishonored our home
Before you left
Before you broke all your promises
I knew you loved me
When she announced the nuptials
we weren’t invited to
she told me you two were
more important than the rest of us
and you have proven it true many times
The letter you sent me for my birthday
implies you think I want you back
Let me be clear
I am not safe with you and her
I have know this for a long time
And unlike you
I am not a fool
by Summer D Clemenson | Dec 1, 2023 | Opinions, Poetry
I breathe in because I am human
I say your name because you are human too
I have lived the life of a performer
The lights
the bystanders
the costumes and makeup
They cost too much
I don’t keep my secrets anymore
They are too heavy
I want my yes to be yes
and my no to be no
I need yours to be as close as possible to that too
I don’t want to watch you perform and be worshipped
Your smile shines brightest over coffee
and honesty
and confidence
and God diffusing His knowledge in every place
I have been labeled uptown
I have made peace with that
but I am not hoity toity
I do like elegant things and my style is timeless
I like to present a clean and honest face
The same face
to everyone
That is hard sometimes but I try
If you feel judgement
it is probably me judging me
and then my prayers that God bless us both
You have let me see a little
of you without your costume on
That is the side I like best
and I am literally not talking about
a selfy with no makeup on
I know I am asking a lot
But I don’t trust performers
Please stop inviting me to your shows
until you can at least call me back
Reference: Matthew 5:36; 2 Corinthians 2:14
by Summer D Clemenson | Sep 11, 2023 | Art, Poetry
I hear her crying
Sometimes raging
She has lots of emotions
She has suffered another great loss
Reminders of her past
Heirlooms of those she has loved
A feeling of comfort for
when they are ready for the next step
The real loss is the truth that those
things are gone
These thoughts that sound like old ones
make her so tired
It is hard to move
To imagine moving onward
so hard
so so tired
The whisper of death a comfort last night
for the first time in a long time
She is depleted by the belief of
starting over again
She hears You coaching
Your wisdom has kept her
from doing anything that can’t
be undone
But her ears are sometimes blocked
by the sound of her tears
She knows You are with her
She is aware she has not lost
the most important things but
the hole inside is real
The life she has always wanted
seems to be getting farther
and farther away
It is hard to breathe
Why did You let her want
something she can’t have?
She has a vision yet still no path
She has been borrowing Your faith
for a long long time
Thank You for carrying her
for hedging her in
You will prevail again
We know You know where we are going
by Summer D Clemenson | Aug 2, 2023 | Poetry
You dumped rocks on my flowers
You took what you needed
When you gave me anything
it was because you wanted more
You’ve never asked me what I thought
You’ve never spoken to my face
You enlisted others
to speak for you or about me
Behind my back
You locked me out
You lied about me
You never helped me when I needed it
But I have my own keys now
And you are behind me
But you are not locked out
You are not unforgiven
You are just not invited
If you want to move forward with me
you will have to communicate and respect my boundaries
Image note: White Azaleas in a Flower Pot by Paul De Longpre.
by Summer D Clemenson | Jun 5, 2023 | Poetry
I don’t look it but I am the most gentle of flower
You told me I walked like a football player
I would never be loved
or get a good job
Instead of telling me I was strong, creative and reliable
you told me I was slow, stubborn and had to have things my way (more…)
by Summer D Clemenson | Mar 31, 2023 | Poetry
Every lunatic I have ever thought of blocking
on Facebook has been trying to reach me
I must be made of stone still
I feel like with the right amount of wind
I could crumble
There are two kinds of women
the ones you want to know
and the ones that should jump off a bridge
at least the ones who jump off the bridge
if they live through it
will have a different perspective on life
Someone asked me if I had a superpower what would it be
I said I wanted to make everyone
feel good on the inside
My wife said she wants to fly
She is his hero
I fly in my dreams
it is overrated
I fought with a couple of men for two days
about guns
I realized it meant nothing
I have never needed a gun
and they don’t know life without one
We don’t speak the same language
I am not perfect
I am a little broken this week
Maybe God is removing that stone
since He wants a soft heart to work with
My thoughts are hard to deal with
to hand to Him
But I am trying
by Summer D Clemenson | Mar 28, 2023 | Poetry
If I were to make my outside
look like my inside
you would probably say it was my fault
The knife cuts and the razor blades
would only embellish where the scars don’t already live
You wouldn’t smile at me while we spoke
We would never speak honestly
It wouldn’t matter how pretty my teeth are
my smile would never shine enough
to help you get beyond your terrifying truth
It wouldn’t matter what color my eyes chose to be today
You would not be able to look me in the eye
The puss and the infection would offend you before
you could get close enough to see them
You might not look at me at all
The process of healing takes time
sometimes you have to start over
sometimes you find more scars
when you thought you were done
I am so angry
I am so angry that I feel those knife cuts
even though I didn’t make them
I am so angry that I feel like I am bleeding out
even though it is just figurative
but it feels like it did when it happened
Every time you hurt me
Every time you lied
Every time you manipulated the world to serve you
I never heard you behind my back
but I heard what you said about others
why wouldn’t you speak lies about me
I hate you
My therapist says its ok
She says anger is meant to push me to
change something or protect something
Either way it has to be me that gets better
God knows you never did